
Screenshot 2023-11-21 at 12.21.34 PM

"Peripheral," Pyre Magazine, Vol.2 Issue 1

Available to purchase at Pyre Magazine

What happens when that little shadow in the corner of your eye doesn't go away?


Under Her Eye Cover

"Kept" is featured in Under Her Skin: A Women in Horror Poetry Collection.

Available now on Amazon

Developed in partnership with The Pixel Project, net proceeds from the collection will be donated to help support efforts to end violence against women worldwide.


Mine Cover

"All Fall Down" is featured in Mine: An Anthology of Body Autonomy Horror.

Available now on Amazon and directly from Creature Publishing.

All profits from this anthology go to National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) to support reproductive freedom, access to birth control and abortion care, paid parental leave, and protection from pregnancy discrimination.


GoodGirlsDontSparkleART copy

"Good Girls Don't Sparkle" is featured in Pyre Magazine.

Available for free online at Pyre Magazine


Under Her Skin Cover

"Strange Bedfellows" is featured in Under Her Skin, a women in horror poetry showcase from Black Spot Books.

Available now on Amazon

Monstroddities Cover

"Last Meal" is featured in Monstroddities, an anthology of obscure creatures and phenomena, from Sliced Up Press.

Available from Sliced Up Press and Amazon

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